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Company Details

Using this section, you can save details of your company for quick reference. If IXM Mobile license has been purchased, these details will be available in the IXM Mobile app as well.

Screen Layout of Company Details


Field Description of Company Details

Company's logo will be displayed on the top. You can add or edit the logo by clicking on the icon. The following options will be displayed to select the logo file -


Click on the Browse button to select the logo file from its respective path using File Explorer. Once the file is selected, it will be displayed here.


Click on Done button to continue.


To remove already selected logo, click on icon. The logo will be removed.


Company Name:

Enter the name of your Company.


Company Address:

Enter the postal address of your Company.



Enter the name of the contact person for support.



Enter the contact person's phone number(s).



Enter the contact person's email address.

Click on Save button to save the Company Details or Cancel button to discard the action.